Sometimes your friendly neighborhood Saint Louis wedding photographers do a bit of traveling! We were in Shannon’s home town of Colorado Springs over Christmas and New Year’s, and when we were there, we shot a short couple session with Madison and Micah! We do not get to shoot in locations like the mountains very often, so this amazing couple (who were married earlier this year) were awesome enough to go on a little photo adventure a few hours before we all rang in the new year. We headed to the gorgeous Cheyenne Mountain State Park, and it was such an amazing place. Having grown up in Illinois, I am always blown away at how many incredible locations and parks there are all over the place. (but they sure don’t have our corn fields…am I right???). Madi is actually a great photographer on her own! You should check out her work at
It is a goal of mine to shoot more sessions for fun. It helps me (Joel) to keep my creative juices flowing when I can try some new things. We get so busy with work at times that we do not “practice” our craft as much as we would like. Here are a few of our favorites from our fun time in the mountains!
Written by Joel Conner | St. Louis Wedding Photographers